
Our ministry teams keep CityWell moving smoothly. We would love to have you help build our community by joining any of these teams.

Music Ministry:


How sweet the sound – these gifted members of CityWell are the instrumental and vocal team that brings musical worship to life each Sunday. We are so very lucky to know and hear them.

Point Person: Jesse Huddleston

Refugee Ministry:


As part of our mission to love our neighbors and our community, we welcome the refugee. Partnering with World Relief Durham, we provide a private space for refugees to call home as they transition to life in the United States.

Point Person:


Sound Tech Ministry:


They’re the reason you hear the message and are able to tell your story during testimony time, as well as sing along to our beautiful music, both in English and in Spanish each Sunday morning.

Point Person: Jesse Huddleston

Welcoming Team:


The smiling faces you receive at the door every Sunday? Those are gifts from our welcome team. Here to get you the information you need to connect on a deeper level with friends you haven’t met yet, these sweet friends serve as CityWell’s warm first impression.

Point Person:

CityKids Ministry:


CityKids is CityWell’s interactive and wonder-full time of worship, prayer and play for our children.

Children ages 3-10 gather with trained adult volunteers for about an hour each Sunday during the service. We use the Godly Play model, a tried-and-true Sunday School methodology. Godly Play includes a story from the Bible, songs, prayers, and creative response time.

Point Person: Trinada Camacho

CityYouth Ministry:


More details for Summer 2024 coming soon!

Point Person:

Nursery Ministry:


Our nursery ministry is based on the belief that in baptism (and through covenant partnerships), we promise to raise our children up to be disciples of Jesus.

CityBabies is a structured time that incorporates play, teacher-led Christian education, and snack time. The space is divided into two groups, walkers and non-walkers to create a safe and age appropriate environment for all. Children ages 2 and under are invited to participate in CityBabies Nursery Ministry.

Point person: Trinada Camacho


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