latest @ citywell
Interactive Vigil Walk
Join Refuge Home Church and Change Paths Ministry on Saturday, March 13, 4p-8p for an interactive vigil walk through Durham Central Park as we mark one year of living through the pandemic. We invite you to come and hold our grief together, since we haven’t been able...
CityWell Covid-19 Town Hall Meeting
As COVID-19 vaccines continue to roll out across the state, we know you have lots of questions but may not know where to find the right answers. Are the vaccines safe? How can we be sure that the vaccine works for people of different races and ethnicities? What are...
Letter to Duke Health
The pandemic has exacerbated health disparities in Durham—COVID-19 data continues to show that Black and Latinx communities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, yet they have the most barriers to accessing vaccination and testing services. Please consider...
The City of Durham Eviction Diversion program
The City of Durham Eviction Diversion Program is a partnership between the Legal Aid of North Carolina and the Duke Civil Justice Clinic to provide legal representation to low-wealth and low-income residents and families who are facing eviction. Every year, we help...
Covid-19 Vaccination Information
On the NC DHHS website, there is more information about the Covid-19 vaccine with the latest updates included. Click Here to visit the website.
2020 Giving Statements
CityWell emailed out the 2020 giving statements to all those whose contact information was on file. If you have not received a statement, and would like one, please email so that we can ensure you get your copy.
Christianity (De)constructs Racism
Fellow CityWell member Keith Daniel, invites our prayers and presence for the Christianity (De)constructs Racism weekend study series at the beautiful sanctuary of the St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC, Feb 5-7, for more information email Keith at...
Because God welcome all of us unconditionally through Jesus, we want you to experience welcome and belonging here. We invite you to complete our welcome information card by clicking the link below: Information Card Here
Winter Coat Drive
To Help Local Refugees, please consider sharing gently used coats for a Winter Coat Drive. All information can be found by Clicking Here.
CityWell Birthday Log
CityWell family we are excited to celebrate birthdays in our community! To help us, please add your birthdate on our google form. This form can be filled out once per household. All responses should be submitted by December 31st, Click Here to Log