LGBTQ+ Inclusion

The following statement and resources have been compiled by members of the As We Are well. This well is for LGBTQ+ and questioning people who want to explore the intersection of our queer and spiritual identities. We welcome people from all theological backgrounds. Come join us for discussion, fellowship and community! Contact Kamaria Fyffe and/or Kate Goodwin for more information.



We believe all sexualities and genders are beloved.

We acknowledge and grieve both the history and present-day reality of harm being done to the LGBTQ+ community by church policies, practices and individuals.

We acknowledge that CityWell is not a monolith. Thus, while CityWell practices and policies affirm all sexualities and genders, we cannot vouch for the affirming stance of every member or visitor. As is true in so many spaces, there is no guarantee of safety.

Under the current CityWell pastor, Hansol Sim, there are no limitations on an LGBTQ+ person’s participation in CityWell church life. All are welcome to partake and assist with serving the sacraments, serve in ministry, join in membership and hold leadership and staff roles, including children’s ministry. Pro-LGBTQ+ references are common in sermons and church communications. The additional challenges and intersectionalities specific to LGBTQ+ people of color are specifically lifted up and honored. Pastoral care is available to all, including spiritual counsel, prayer, baptism, funerals and visitation during illness.

We have compiled a list of resources for LGBTQ+ community and family members, as well as allies and those seeking to be allies.  We are open to more resources suggested by CityWell members and affiliated individuals.



Parents and Other Family Members of an LGBTQ+ Person


Faith and Sexuality Reconciliation and Support for the LGBTQ+ Person 


Non-Affirming Person who wants to Reevaluate that Stance


Faith and Sexuality Theology 


Teenagers with Questions 

General Information for Allies