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As we continue to practice rhythms of rest and sabbath, we will not have a worship service on Sunday July 3rd. I encourage you to utilize the following devotional for your individual quiet time and/or to gather in groups and to enjoy in community. We look forward to our worship time together on July 10th.
Read Galatians 5:1-26
1. What questions does Galatians 5 bring to the surface for you?
2. What are some other works of the “flesh” that you can name in our world today?
3. What does it look like for you to walk in the Spirit? How does the evidence of your walk with the Spirit show itself in your daily life?
4. How can we be led by the Holy Spirit as a community of faith? Where can we yield to the guidance of the Spirit for growth?
5. Pray for our church, the nation, the world.