by Sydney Richards | May 3, 2021 | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS, Latest @ CityWell, PARENTS & KIDS
We invite all the youth (10-18 years old) at CityWell to fill out an information form below so we can create more gatherings and spaces to hang and get to know each other....
by Sydney Richards | Apr 7, 2021 | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS, Latest @ CityWell
Effective immediately, there is a new Storytime link for our story time on Sunday’s. Please save the think below on your computers and calendars. If you have any questions please contact Trinada Camacho at Trinada@citywell.orgStoryTime Link
by Sydney Richards | Apr 7, 2021 | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS, Latest @ CityWell
Our church building is a gift. Before COVID and soon again – it will be the place we gather together to worship, pray, grow, eat, and serve the community. It is a physical place where the community can come and meet us and through us – the living God. Our...
by Sydney Richards | Mar 24, 2021 | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS, Latest @ CityWell
Citywell we invite you to share your thoughts and concerns about in person worship by taking our survey. Please complete the survey by April 10th. It can be found on our website under “latest at citywell” and in our newsletter. If you have any questions...
by Sydney Richards | Mar 2, 2021 | COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS, Latest @ CityWell
As COVID-19 vaccines continue to roll out across the state, we know you have lots of questions but may not know where to find the right answers. Are the vaccines safe? How can we be sure that the vaccine works for people of different races and ethnicities? What are...
by Sydney Richards | Dec 16, 2020 | Latest @ CityWell
Because God welcome all of us unconditionally through Jesus, we want you to experience welcome and belonging here. We invite you to complete our welcome information card by clicking the link below: Information Card Here