latest @ citywell
January 30th Devotional
Read 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13, in more than one translation of the Bible. Please see for assistance. What sticks out to you about this portion of scripture? What words...
Whole Life OT – Self Care Workshops
Updated Worship Schedule
December 12-Virtual and in-person December 19-Virtual and in-person December 26 - Virtual only Moving forward we will observe the 1st and 3rd Sunday worship service as a virtual only service. The 2nd and 4th Sunday worship service will be in person. Every 5th Sunday...
Lakewood Elementary Holiday Drive
Every year, Lakewood gives gift cards (and wrapping paper) to as many families as we possibly can to help them out during the holiday season. This is definitely something our families have come to rely on, and the shift to gift cards has made it both...
Reality Ministries Live Nativity
Open Table Ministries Coat Drive
In our efforts to assist our unsheltered neighbors, this winter we are asking churches in the Corridor District to participate in a drive for new or gently used items which we will give during the colder season. We will be collecting items until Martin Luther King Day...
CityWell UMC 2021 Charge Conference Link
CityWell UMC 2021 Charge Conference: Meets virtually on Wednesday November 17, 2021 at 7pm. In the local United Methodist Church, the Charge Conference meets at least once a year and is responsible for recommending candidates for ministry, confirming leaders to serve...
November Worship Schedule
November 7- Virtual only November 14- Virtual only November 21- Virtual and in-person November 28- Virtual and in-person If you have any questions, please email
CityWell UMC 2021 Charge Conference
"CityWell UMC 2021 Charge Conference: Meets virtually on Wednesday November 17, 2021 at 7pm. In the local United Methodist Church, the Charge Conference meets at least once a year and is responsible for recommending candidates for ministry, confirming leaders to serve...
New CityWell Worship Schedule
Here's our new worship schedule: October 3rd – In person and virtual. October 10th – virtual only October 17th – in person and virtual October 24th - virtual only October October 31st – No worship service. If you have any questions please email...